Monday, 28 May 2007

NEWS : Pu`u `O`o - Kilauea Volcano - Hawaii

InTeReStInG FACTS about Pu`u `O`o

Kilauea is one of the world's most active volcanoes.
The volcano has been in constant eruption since 1983.
In 2007 the volcano is erupting from Pu`u `O`o vent and sending lava flows towards the ocean.
Three (3) shallow earthquakes occurred in the upper east rift zone of the volcano on 24th May 2007.
The first earthquake, magnitude 4.7 occurred at 9:13 am 2km under. At 9:33 am a magnitude 4.1 earthquake hit 1.5 km under, and a magnitude 3.9 earthquake hit at 10:51 am.

The initial earthquake was the LARGEST in the upper east rift zone in 50 years.

TASK: Use the links below and GOOGLE NEWS to find interesting facts, news updates and report back with your findings AND the website the information came from.


Virtual Tours of Kilauea Volcano

360 Degree view of Pu'u'O'o Kialauea Volcano



Miss Bate said...

INTeresTING Facts

Miss Bate,
When you taught us about the aviation, so like pilot warning instruments, I loved it. I found an interesting fact about this volcano and the aviation warning!!!!!

May 24th 2007 (so like last Thursday) the Kilauea volcano is still erupting from the Pu`u `O`o vent. The aviation code is ORANGE. Which I remember is that a volcano explosion is highly likely and warning signs are already there like ash and earthquakes.

From here


Miss Bate said...


A lava bench falls and makes the Kilauea volcano shoot steam 1000’s of feet into the air!
It started at about 2.45pm and went until 7at night!
There were tennis ball and basketball sized rocks inland from this!

I never knew it could go so high or far! Scarry if you lived near there.


Miss Bate said...

Miss Bate and class....


That Mount Kilauea has been erupting since 1983 and hasn’t stopped.
The most active (so alive) volcano in the WORLD!

Miss Bate said...

I am pleased to hear that you liked the aviation warning instruments! And that you remember what the colours stood for (remember traffic light hint).

That’s a very high ad very long way it travelled. Imagine the damage a basketball sized rock could do!

No I did not know! Thanks for telling me =]
That’s a very interesting fact to know! So since Volcano is 24 years old!

Great facts and reports so far !
Miss Bate