Monday, 28 May 2007

Our VoLcAnO Models and Explosion!

Before we made our models.

We talked about the ingredients we would need, equipment used to make the model, the safety precautions, and the expected behaviour.

Making our models.

To make your models we used the ingredients, equipment and you all behaved very well and safely when adding, mixing, kneading and making your model volcanoes. After we made the models we then wrote a 'procedure' (what we used (ingredients), and what we did).

Painting our models.

Before you painted your models we needed to wait a few days for the dough volcanoes to dry. Once they were dry you all set out on painting your Volcanoes. Many of you decided to make a big magma chamber; some of you added a dike and vent; others made different shapes and types of volcanoes.

Explosion Day!

Today was the day EVERYONE was looking forward to. You all recalled the demonstration I did with the bicarb soda, white vinegar and red food colouring, and enthusiastically predicted what might happen with your volcanoes!


TASK: To each write something that you learnt under the headings below possibly about the ingredients;the verbs used to write the method/ steps in the procedure; why you painted your volcano certain colours; and what happened to your volcano after it exploded!

Comment on the photos and what you enjoyed. =]

Before we made our models.
Making our models.
Painting our models.
Explosion Day!
Reflection/ Observation

NEWS : Pu`u `O`o - Kilauea Volcano - Hawaii

InTeReStInG FACTS about Pu`u `O`o

Kilauea is one of the world's most active volcanoes.
The volcano has been in constant eruption since 1983.
In 2007 the volcano is erupting from Pu`u `O`o vent and sending lava flows towards the ocean.
Three (3) shallow earthquakes occurred in the upper east rift zone of the volcano on 24th May 2007.
The first earthquake, magnitude 4.7 occurred at 9:13 am 2km under. At 9:33 am a magnitude 4.1 earthquake hit 1.5 km under, and a magnitude 3.9 earthquake hit at 10:51 am.

The initial earthquake was the LARGEST in the upper east rift zone in 50 years.

TASK: Use the links below and GOOGLE NEWS to find interesting facts, news updates and report back with your findings AND the website the information came from.


Virtual Tours of Kilauea Volcano

360 Degree view of Pu'u'O'o Kialauea Volcano


VoLcAnO - Interesting Facts!

Miss Bate's InTeReStInG FACTS!

Watch out for the 'hidden' fact!

FACT #1 - The largest eruption was at Yellowstone about 2.2 million years ago. An explosive eruption produced 2,500 cubic kilometers of ash! That's 2,500 times more ash than Mount St. Helens erupted!

FACT #2 - There are no active volcanoes in Australia!

FACT #3 -
The name "volcano" has its origin from the name of Vulcan, a god of fire in Roman mythology.

FACT #4 - Hawaii was formed by 5 volcanoes

FACT #5 - Miss Bate would love you to find five (5) or more of your own InTeReStInG FACTS of your own and post them here! =]
Use the links below to help find your facts!


Interesting Facts! Part 1

Interesting Facts! Part 2

Did you know...

Search for fun facts at Volcano World

Observation Table - Igneous Rock

The observation table below is blank! Your task for the next 3 days (counting on from the day this was posted) is to use the below links and images to fill in the details in the table.

Students with their surname starting with....
A-F - Look at Pumice
G-L - Look at Basalt
M-R - Look at Obsidian
S-Z - Look at Thundereggs

Post your responses here for the rock you looked at. ALSO it would be great if you could include an interesting fact about 'your rock'!


Igneous Rocks

Wikipedia Rocks! Search hard for the correct rocks!

Igneous Rock... Scientific Search and photos!

Volcano Cross-Section

Your task for today, if you wish to accept it.... and you must! Is to label the cross section of the below volcano!

To do this, you may visit the links below and use the definitions to post a reply to why you think a certain one (a, b, c, d etc) is what you labeled.

Everyone must reply with a good reason as to WHY they labeled on part of the volcano cross-section the way they did! Due in 5 days from today's posting! Count on 5 days.

I will reply to your comments.
Good luck.
Miss Bate


Volcano Diagram Terms

Volcanic Terms

Volcano VoCaBuLaRy!